Dosing Guide

When making product choices keep in mind that many have a THC concentration that exceeds 80% which is much higher than the natural plant. Use of pure indica and sativa daily for long periods of time can lead to depression symptoms as well as difficulty staying asleep at night with indica and anxiety symptoms with sativa. Hybrid cannabis plants are the result of cross breeding Indica and Sativa plants. The three types of hybrids are Balanced, Indica dominant, and Sativa dominant. Balanced hybrid contains an equal amount of genetic material from both indica and sativa whereas the dominant hybrids exist in varying strengths depending on the genetic makeup. Effects range from slight indica and sativa tendencies to nearly a pure indica or sativa feel. All hybrid cultivars, or “strains,” are genetically unique and represent most cannabis cultivars that exist today. Hybrid cannabis is healthier for your endocannabinoid system and causes less tolerance to build over time.

1. Routes of Administration

  • Inhalation- results are felt within seconds but peak at 1-2 hours and diminish within 3-4 hours.
  • Sublingual- bypasses GI tract.
    • Onset 10-20 minutes and lasts around 5 hours.
    • Start 2.5mg, place under the tongue, without swallowing the oil for 3-5 minutes or more while taking slow deep breaths to facilitate absorption of the oil into the veins under the tongue.
  • Oral Ingestion:
    • Onset is typically 30 minutes-1 hour but varies and ranges from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
    • Effects can last up to 4-6 hours depending on the dose.
    • start 5mg or less. If you have not eaten within 2 hours prior, eat small amount of food or drink.

2. THC OR THC: CBD- Long Acting

  • Tincture (alcohol based), Oral cannabinoid solution (oil based), Edibles (typically made with THC distillate which contains far fewer beneficial cannabinoids.)
  • Micro-doing- small doses of THC (1.5mg) taken sublingually.
  • Ingestion slows down the onset and greatly extends the amount of time the medicine is active in your body. This is different than sublingual which bypasses the GI tract.
  • Start with 15mg or less regardless of the route to minimize chances of overdoses symptoms. Titrate to 10mg as needed for desired effect.
  • Night-time does as a sleep aid may be slightly higher or in some cases lowers in micro-dosing.
  • We recommend first trying these products during awake hours of the day to better establish the level psychoactive effect that occurs.
  • once you establish how soon it takes effects, you can assess what time to take your dose.

3. THC OR THC: CBD- Long Acting

  • Inhaled, sublingual tincture and oral cannabis solutions, dissolved edibles, and lozenges.
  • Used for faster symptom relief but shorter duration of action.
  • Caution is advised to start low and increase dosage slowly to avoid side effects. “Start Low and Go Slow”.
  • Inhalation – Options include vaporizing the oil form the flower or oil that has been extracted and places in a cartilage to be used with vaporizer devices and heater element. Vaporizing the oil is a healthier alternative to smoking cannabis.
  • If increasing higher doses are required to achieve symptoms relief, decrease use or abstain from THC use for several days or even weeks while increasing CBD intake to help alleviate tolerance.

4. CBD

  • Sublingual oil, capsule or edible.
  • Start at 2.5-5mg per day and titrate up to a daily dose of 30mg-60mg.
  • Sublingual (under the tongue) is best way to use CBD due to poor absorption in the GI tract.
  • Start at 5mg per day but ultimately can be taken once ow twice daily for a total dose of 10mg-60mg, but no specific dosing guidelines exist and many report relief of symptoms at higher doses. Increase dose over the course of days to several weeks. Best taken long term.
  • Should be full spectrum CBD. Sometimes referred to as a whole plant extract.

5. Purchasing Options

Many options, but CBD should be lab tested by a third party to ensure quality and this should be accessible on the product website or in the store were making the purchase.
  • Well-Pack Pharmacy- sells CMDMD
  • CareRX Pharmacy- sells CBDistilery
  • Stewarts Pharmacy- sells Amanda Hemp
  • Natural Life

6. Dispensaries:

  • Please choose a dispensary that will take the time to provide as in-person orientation to help you better understand how the dispensaries work as well as making sure you’re finding the right medicine. New patient orientation. Please request this when visiting any new dispensary. Several dispensaries offer Tele-consultation and delivery as well. Every dispensary is unique in the plants they grow but will all carry the same categories of products which are recommend in your orders.
  • Surterra, Grow Healthy, MUV, Curaleaf, VidaCann, Fluent, Liberty Health Science, Trulieve and MedMen are current local dispensaries.